Canines 5ever

Canines 5ever

Grade 6 may be a sort of a stressful school year but you will never lose some happy and fun moments with your classmates. You may have many requirements but your friends would always be there to support you and help you. For me, it was the most memorable year in the grade school department. It was the year I learned what true friendship was. It was also the year that I learned to be a responsible citizen in the community. It was the year that taught us maturity. This year gave me up and downs but I had no difficulties facing it because my classmates were right beside me to help and support me no matter what. We would always be sticking together and love one another.

My friends have been a big part of my grade 6 life. They were the reasons why it was memorable. My friends are so crazy normally (i lav ya friends) and serious at times needed most. We have been together since the start of the School Year. We were at each other’s backs. We would support one another through thick and thin. Sometimes, we would sit in a circle and reflect what we’ve done during the past days/weeks. It would help us understand each other and know what we feel about each other. It’s a really good feeling when you know what others think about you; especially your friends. I am faithful to my friends and I know they would be faithful to me. There would also come a time when our whole class would sit together and have heart-to-heart talks. We would also play together and just have fun. It was even more fun when the class is complete. It was different. I never knew our class would get along well.

It’s almost the end of the school year and I would want to thank you, my Canines for always being there for me. We promised each other that we would support one another. My Canines, you occupy the biggest space in my heart (next to my family, ofcourse). You will always remain in my heart because you were one of the best things that ever happened to me. We were once a family, and we will forever be one. We are graduating on the 27th (March 27, 2014) and it’s still not the end. Whatever happens, we would always stick together as one.

6-3 Mary of Cana Batch 2014

I love you Canines!